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Changing the World with Bamboo Bikes

Changing the World with Bamboo Bikes

Bamboo Bikes

The making of Bamboo Bikes is creating an impact in several countries around the world.

Bamboo Bikes -The Eco-Friendly Face of Transportation

The plant-based and the bamboo bike frame is composed of recyclable parts using local raw materials: these bicycles are completely rebuildable, affordable and also, sustainable. A new breed of Innovators and entrepreneur are breathing new life and new ideas that are changing the social profile of many communities around the world.

In Ghana, the manufacturing of these bikes is not only benefiting the employees, but the impact goes even further as several bikes are being donated to the neighboring communities.

For each Bamboo plant used on the manufacturing of these bikes, Ghana’s team plants ten more in its place, so the natural environment will never be depleted.


Environment Protection and Sustainable Development

A social entrepreneur in The Philippines is fighting poverty with an ecologically inspired high-end bicycle production, using a renewable resource that absorbs at the same time huge amounts of carbon monoxide. The Bambikes are engineered to deliver smooth bike rides, despite the quality of the pavement from the roads. Most of his profits, says Brian Benitez McClelland, go back directly to the communities and workers that help him develop and manufacture these bikes. Bamboos are one of the greenest building materials on Earth, strong, durable, and renewable. With some careful planning, this material can satisfy the demands of building not only bicycle frames but also other durable and renewable structures as well.


Electric Bamboo Bicycle in India

Meet Shashisekhar A. Pathak, He is a helicopter pilot in Civil Aviation since 2012. He is a retired IAF officer and an inspiring designer. He is the founder of Bamboochi Bicycle, the100% eco-friendly and handmade Bamboo Cycle. It is Pathak’s idea to promote the sustainability of these bikes emphasizing the quality and durability of these “plant-based “frames.


Electric bamboo tricycle is designed in Nepal

The vehicle is resistant, functional and emits no pollutants.

Various vehicles compete on the streets of Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, and an electric tricycle made with bamboo appears as yet another transportation alternative. Small, but capable of accommodating up to two passengers, it is designed to reduce congestion on city streets.


Electric bamboo tricycle
ABARI was established in 2006 in Nepal as a socially and environmentally committed research, design and build firm in order to examine, encourage, and celebrate the vernacular architectural tradition with its intricate links to the crafts, people and the forest.


The idea for the model came from the professor, from the University of Kansas, and also designer Lance Gordon Rake. He has designed several bicycle models using bamboo, as well as a skateboard and a Stand Up Paddleboard. For this project, called Habre eco bike, an electric charging bicycle was designed that can serve both for delivery people and for tourism. In the latter case, to transport passengers at important points in Kathmandu.

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The professor had the partnership of Nripal Adhikari, architect and founder of the local company Abari: specialized in building with bamboo and earth. He also worked with students and professors at the Royal Institute of Technology in Melbourne (Australia) and the University of Kathmandu. So he was able to design, create prototypes, and finally test his product.

In addition to academic partnerships, the project relied on the skill of local artisans who, using locally available bamboo, took the tricycle from paper and turned it into reality. As not all city streets are paved, the vehicle should withstand both heavy urban traffic and rural landscapes. The result is a motorized, resistant bike with suspension and bamboo frames that do not emit pollutants.


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