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Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

Earth Ministry Submission Guidelines

– Content: Original. In other words, it hasn’t been posted in other magazines or in blogs. We do not publish channeled materials; our writers present their own ideas! Please begin with an 80-word ABSTRACT that summarizes the themes covered (a teaser of sorts).

– Tone of Voice: Professional tone of voice, using “we” or “our” rather than “I” to make the articles inclusive and to avoid sounding like a blog post. Please avoid 2nd person as well, to keep from sounding preachy (as in, “you might be doing this wrong…).

– Self-Promotion: Include an Author Bio with links to your profile and any promotional material (up to 70 words). Self-promotion is not permitted here – if links are embedded or included in the body of the article, they will be deleted.

– Title: Reflective of the general theme (up to 60 characters) *should include keyword/phrase*

– Length: 500 – 800 words (not including the abstract or author bio)– Article Optimization: Be aware of the Ministry Earth Magazine does layout and formatting to best optimize your work for presentation on the Internet and our eZine publications. Articles should have the *key subject word or phrase* identifiable throughout. When composing articles, sub-headings and text must have consistent word use, or they are subject to change at our discretion.

– Audio/Multimedia Files: Ministry Earth Magazine experts who provide additional materials in addition to the standard text must bring it to the attention of the editors.

All profiles on the Author’s Incubator and Writers Community must have comments set to “unmoderated” so editors know if communication is occurring on an article. The following is the original, detailed submission guidelines:

See Also
Ethics of Care -Ministry Earth


The 5th of the month for all the following months’ editions Anyone who would like help with editing and proofreading, constructive feedback, or specialized layouts may submit their work a little earlier in the month to allow time for this. Please post your request in the Author’s Incubator’s Community Group called ‘Ask the Editors’, and someone will contact you as soon as possible.


Article submissions are subject to length restrictions: Title: maximum 60 characters. Article: maximum of 1,200 words. [updated to 500-800] Author Bio: 400 characters – approximately 60 words. Please Note: These character limits include spaces, line breaks, paragraph breaks, and punctuation. The actual number of characters will be less than the numbers above.


1. Community members of the Incubator Platform submit articles in their blogs, in discussions, or in groups they belong to.

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