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The Mystical Spiritual Mission of Animals

The Mystical Spiritual Mission of Animals

Mystical mission of animals

The Mystically Spiritual Mission of Animals_ministryearth


To Adopt is a beautiful human gesture. We know that there is nothing wrong (at first) with wanting to have a particular breed of cat or dog, for example. The problem begins when we discover the terrible and cruel market behind breeders. There are really few places that might reproduce animals for trade acceptably and humanely.

These are almost always a horror theater, sunk in animal suffering of all kinds. Pet shops themselves are very bad environments. Now that we are all stuck at home because of the need for social distancing, we get an idea of what it is like to be trapped inside of a cage. We know now how it feels to be confined in an aquarium or zoo.

Imagine animals that spend their entire lives in captivity, breeding, or serving as entertainment for us. Try to imagine the spiritual impact of those who enjoy hunting and spread traps, which provoke and promote animals’ suffering and death.

Another factor to consider when considering adopting is the scandalous rate of animal abandonment in the world. While countries like Germany and Holland managed to zero the number of animals left on the streets, in many other countries, it still is common to find people who simply put the dog in the car, drive to a distant place and abandon the poor guy. They turned their backs and never come back. Reports of abuse or neglect are also shocking. This all makes the shelters absolutely crowded. Many dogs, cats, and other animals just want a home, an owner! Even if it were only that … how many are sacrificed to make room for others?

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The way we treat animals has to change. We can no longer accept that puppies are raised as they are. We can no longer consume brands that test on animals or benefit from any animal suffering. We cannot wear clothes that contain blood and allow the food industry, namely the farm factoring, to continue committing the atrocities they commit. In fact, the coronavirus only happened due to our deadly relationship with nature. Our change is urgent, it is for yesterday. There is no more time. This is probably our last chance.

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