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It is a Party! Recipes for a Dog Birthday Party

It is a Party! Recipes for a Dog Birthday Party

Dog Birthday Party

Your dog is a year older, and it’s time for a Dog Birthday Party but you are unsure what ingredients you can use in your Dog Cake to keep your furbaby is healthy and happy!

Delicious Recipes for a Great Dog Birthday Party

No doubt that our dogs are excellent and loyal friends and companions, they are like family to us.

So, your furbaby is having a dog birthday party, or maybe some other special date, or you want to celebrate even if there is no kind of party, it is very common to want to do something different for them, such as dog cake, for example.

Making a delicious dog cake is a very simple, easy, and practical surprise for your Furbaby.

Keep reading this article as we will teach you step-by-step on how to make simple and delicious dog cakes. Surely your pet will love this gift!

Roughly speaking, these recipes resemble a lot the common cake for humans. The difference lies in the fact that the mixed ingredients contain only ingredients that do not affect your dog’s health.

Before you start your hands in the dough and making dog cake, keep in mind that even if all the ingredients used in the recipe are not harmful to the animal, overeating can and should be avoided.

Your doggie will be delighted at their Dog Birthday Party!

cakes for dog parties


Dog Cake Recipe using Potato and Apple

 Ingredients to be used:

1 small potato

1 tablespoon honey

1 tablespoon olive oil

½ cup unsweetened homemade apple jam

1 beaten egg

1 grated apple

2 tablespoons oatmeal

¼ 3/4 cup rice flour


Method of preparation:

1. Cook the potatoes, peel and mash them into a puree.

2. Mix all ingredients in a container until thick dough forms.

3. Pour the batter into a container and place it in a properly preheated oven to a temperature of 350 ° F.

4. Bake the cake until it gets a golden color.

5. Allow to cool and then serve to your furbaby.


Dog Cake Dog Birthday Party


Banana and Apple Dog Cake

 There are several fruits that the dog can eat without problems, and one of the most interesting is exactly the apple. Sweet Apples are slightly astringent in taste, with a cooling effect, and have a sweet effect after consumption for its digestive properties. Bananas are only good in small quantities. Because of this, this recipe uses only one banana.

Required Ingredients:

2 apples

1 banana

200 grams of rice flour

2 tbsp honey

2 eggs

1 yeast envelope

See Also
Room 8

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil


Method of preparation:

1. First, peel the apples and also the bananas. Remember to take the seeds out of these fruits, after that, mash the fruits.

2. Add the rest of the ingredients. Mix well until you get a homogeneous mass.

3. Pour the mixture into a container and place it in a preheated oven to 350 ° F.

4. Keep an eye on the cake. When you notice that it is acquiring a golden color, stick it with a toothpick and make sure it is ready or not.

5. Once the cake is ready, let it cool slightly. When this cake cools, it can usually be given to your dog.


A Very Important Recommendation for Your Dog Birthday Party

Any dog ​​cake recipe for your Dog Birthday Party should only use fresh, good quality ingredients. When the ingredients are fresh and are of good origin, the chances of the animal having a problem after eating are as small as possible.

Stay tuned as we will continue to provide you with some more delicious recipes for you to make for your pet dog and cats.

They become practically an honorary member of the family, and with that, we do several things to celebrate their presence in our lives.

dog birthday cake recipes


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