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Abandoned Animals and The Rainbow Bridge

Abandoned Animals and The Rainbow Bridge

The Rainbow Bridge

With nowhere else to go, the older animal turned around. Between the fields, he saw a group of other animals like him, some older, others very fragile. They were not playing. They were simply lying on the grass, looking at the path that led to the Rainbow Bridge. So, he went to join them, looking the way, and stood there waiting.

That was when one of the newcomers on the Rainbow Bridge did not understand what he had seen. To better understand, he asked another to explain what was going on. “Do you see this poor animal and the others who are there with him? They are animals that never had a person.

But at least, they reached a refuge; he entered the sanctuary that you see now, an older animal, with gray fur and a somewhat cloudy view. But he never managed to leave the shelter and died without his caregiver’s care to accompany him while he left Earth. As he did not have a family to give him his love, he has no one to accompany him and cross the Rainbow Bridge”.

The first animal questioned it for a moment: And now, what will happen to them? Before receiving the answer, the clouds began to break, and a mighty wind made them disappear.

They could see a person, alone, approaching the Rainbow Bridge. Among the older animals, an entire group was suddenly bathed in golden light. Again, they were young and healthy animals full of life. “Look, and you will see,” said the second.

Other animals of those who were waiting also approached the path and lowered their heads as that person came. When passing in front of each head, the person touched each one, caressed some, scratched others’ ears affectionately.

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The animals that had rejuvenated started to stand in line behind and followed the person towards the Rainbow Bridge. Then they crossed the Rainbow Bridge together.

“What was this?” asked the first animal.

And the second replied: “This person was very passionate about animals and worked in defense of them. The animals you saw bowing their heads out of respect were the ones that found new homes thanks to such people’s efforts. Of course, all these animals will cross the Rainbow Bridge when their time comes, when those who were their new families arrive.

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