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This Practical Guide to Jin Shin Jyutsu -1









This can have a number of causes. If it does not improve within a day despite Jin Shin’s treatment, or if the cat’s general condition is impaired, see a vet.

Hold both SELs 8.








Or place one hand on the right SEL 8 and the other hand on the right high SEL 1 (about a paw’s width above SEL 1).

Intestinal Colic

To calm the bowel, you can place one hand on high SEL 19 and the other hand on SEL 1 on the other side of the body.

Intestinal Parasites

If your cat has recurring parasite issues, treat both SELs 19 regularly.



See Also
The Forbidden fruits and vegetables for cats





Or hold SEL 3 together with SEL 19 first on one side, and then on the other.

Digestive issues in Dogs

Stomach Pain and Colic

To relieve colic, place your hands on both SELs 1, on the inside of the knee joints on the hind legs.

Or hold high SEL 1 (approximately one paw’s width above SEL 1) together with low SEL 8 (approximately one paw’s width below SEL 8).




Hold both SELs 1. Or place one hand on SEL 1, and the other hand on SEL 14.

Twisted Stomach (Gastric Torsion)

Gastric torsion is more common in large dogs, especially Great Danes, shepherds, setters, and St Bernards, although other dogs are not immune to it. Insufficiently tight connective tissue can slacken the suspension system of internal organs, in this case, that of the stomach, which can then “rotate” due to factors such as increased gas formation. In such instances, only surgery will help.

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