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Dealing with Aging Animals

Dealing with Aging Animals

Dealing with Aging Animals

The longevity of dwarf poodles is known. The longevity record belongs to Bluey, an Australian shepherd dog who lived to be no less than 29 years old.

Signs that the dog is aging.

With dogs, it’s the same as with people. Old dogs have their coat color changed and begin to turn gray, especially in the face region. Does less and less physical activity. We will notice that the animal no longer runs or moves as actively as before.

There are moves the dog will avoid. Our pet’s joints and musculature are no longer the same as when he was young. Therefore, some movements, such as climbing into bed, can be difficult, and our dog may refuse to perform them.

Need for more rest. The dog is aging and will decrease his energy, so he will sleep or rest more than usual.

Some cognitive dysfunctions. The memory will fail, and our pet will forget where it is mealtimes, and places to go to the toilet.

When it’s time to contain the pee, the animal will no longer be able to do it as before, and we will find small pools around the house.

old age and your animal

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Pets Energies

Advice to better assimilate the aging of the dog.

It takes a lot of patience with the animal. Although shorter and more continuous, continue with the daily walks and understand that our friend is not as active as before. We must take a good look at their teeth. In case they lose a lot of teeth, we will have to try to provide special food for elderly dogs.

By brushing the coat, we activate circulation and eliminate the entire layer of dead hair. During brushing, we can see if he has lumps on the skin, hair gaps, etc. Touching our pet’s lymph nodes, we will see if there is any swelling, as cancer can appear in the form of tumors.

If the animal has long hair, it should be cut well in the eye area so that excess fur does not obstruct its vision.

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