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Lowsumerism – The Spiritual Analysis of Modern Consumerism

Lowsumerism – The Spiritual Analysis of Modern Consumerism


Lowsumerism – The Spiritual Analysis of Modern Consumerism

Lowsumerism as a greener Conscious Living Movement

Lowsumerism is a neologistic term from the English “Low Consumerism,” which is the act of “consuming little” when translated literally. However, the concept goes beyond that. We could say that the idea is linked to the philosophy of a more “balanced consumption.”

This is a conscious living movement that is spreading worldwide, which proposes a more conscious form of consumption and leads us to a spiritual analysis of consumerism.

Being Happy with Less: Lower Consumption, Greater Emotional Balance

“And the great drama is that the consumer is never happy because he devalues what he has to suffer with what he does not have yet.” Içami Tiba

What Is The Lowsumerism Movement?

The Lowsumerism movement raises awareness of some basic questions:

A. Do we really need this? B. Can we pay for it, or do we just want to feel accepted and affirm our personality? C. Do we know the origin of this product, and where does it go when it is discarded?

Are Massa media and Advertising deceiving us?

What impact can this product have on the environment? Three straightforward attitudes can make a big difference when we talk about Lowsumerism: 1.Think before you buy. 2. Look for alternatives that have less impact on natural resources (how to repair, exchange, and do). 3. Try to live with what is necessary.

Advertising tries to stimulate our sensuous desires, converting luxuries into necessities, but it only intensifies man’s inner misery. The business world is bent on creating hunger which its wares never satisfy, and thus it adds to the frustrations and broken minds of our times. Fulton J. Sheen

Lowsumerism – A Spiritual Analysis Of Consumption

According to Buddhism and other spiritual lines of thought, our primary source for suffering is attachment. As we follow this reasoning, the more we accumulate and have (physically or mentally), the more we suffer and the less free we become. Several surveys show that there is no link between happiness and the possession of material goods.

In addition to being harmful to us spiritually, excessive consumption produces a bitter environmental impact. It also affects our well-being by causing anxiety, stress, obesity, and depression, not to mention indebtedness. Have you thought about what you can concretely do to change this behavior?

Too many people spend money they haven’t earned to buy things they don’t want to impress people they don’t like. Will Rogers

Reduce Clothing Consumption

Reducing the consumption of clothes is one of the principal attitudes to practice Lowsumerism. Dressing well is much better than having too many clothes and being indecisive when choosing the day’s look. Choose quality over quantity. Prefer to have a better-worked look than a wardrobe full of pieces you don’t use.

You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need. Vernon Howard

The rise of lowsumerism from Lucas Moesch on Vimeo.

Conscious Consuming

Eath More Quality

It is much more interesting to eat small quality chocolate than a massive bar of cheap, sugary chocolate. The logic is the same as the clothes. The quality exceeds the quantity. Besides, it is important to avoid waste and not leave things forgotten and unused in the closet.

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Create More Free Time

It seems not, but we spend a lot of time on unnecessary purchases. Realize how you will gain time to focus on more important things like being with your family and friends, or meditating, or even developing your own self.

Consume less Information

In addition to material consumption, excessive information consumption can be very harmful. Especially in the world, we are living in,  where misinformation and widespread conspiracies are part of the equation. Choose better what you want to consume as information. Be more selected. See that you will have more time to do things that really matter in your life.

Learn to Save Money.

Avoiding excessive consumption will make more money in your account. You can take the opportunity to take a trip, learn something new, or invest in something for the future. Think about investing in knowledge and people.

These are some steps to rethink what and how you consume in your day today. Pay attention to your habits and what can be recreated inside your routine.

the concept of Lowsumerism is not about losing comfort, but about having more quality of life and time for what is really essential. Besides, it can affect you much more spiritually.

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed. Mahatma Gandhi

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