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A Near Drowning Jaguar Is Saved By Navy

A Near Drowning Jaguar Is Saved By Navy


Exhausted Jaguar The Middle Of A River Is Saved By Navy

A Near Drowning and Tired jaguar save by the Colombian Navy

Colombian fishermen could not believe what they saw: a jaguar, swimming, exhausted, in the middle of the sea, in the Gulf of Urabá, about 2.7 km off the coast.

The animal, which was powerless and at imminent risk of drowning, was found between the municipalities of Antioquia and Córdoba, close to the mouth of the Léon River, but already in the waters of the Caribbean, in the northwest of the country.

Jaguar rescue Colombia

This is the moment an extremely fortunate jaguar that was on the verge of drowning in the middle of a river is saved by some sailors who tied a rope to a log and threw it to the big cat so they could drag it to the shore.

The jaguar (Panthera onca) was rescued from the mouth of the Leon River which is located in the Turbo municipality of Colombia’s Antioquia region, and which drains into the Caribbean Sea, according to a statement by the Colombian Navy (ARC) that was released on 15th November.

Thanks to the fishermen, who quickly got in touch with the Coast Guard, a rescue operation was mounted. A wooden log was thrown into the water and the jaguar clung to it. With care, it was “towed” to dry land for an hour, and from then onwards, the Corpouraba organization took the cat to a protected area of mangroves.

See Also

The jaguar, clinging to the trunk and being brought to dry land

Although jaguars can swim well, local authorities have no idea how the jaguar ended up so far from shore.

Interesting facts about Jaguars

The species (Panthera onca) is the largest feline in the Americas and the third-largest in the world, with a maximum length of 1.85 meters (6.1 feet) and a weight of up to 96 kilograms (212 lbs). Also called jaguar (as it is known in Spanish), it was originally found from the southwestern United States to northern Argentina. Currently, it is officially extinct in American territory, it is very rare in Mexico, but can still be seen in Argentina, Peru, Paraguay, Brazil, and Colombia. It is estimated that in the latter there are just over 16 thousand individuals in the wild.

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